MCO 1.0 Report Card
(March 16 - June 9, 2020)
When the Pit Stop Community Cafe (PSCC) first started over four years ago, the volunteers and staff never thought that we would be handling - in slightly under three months:
Over 1,000 Trays of Chicken Eggs (Each Tray consists of 30 Eggs)
17.7 tonnes of Rice
12.3 tonnes of Flour
3.4 tonnes of Potatoes
1.2 tonnes of Onions
3.8 tonnes of Vegetables (Cabbages, Hardy Green Vegetables, Pumpkins etc)
1.9 tonnes of Sardines (in cans of either 425g or 155g)
And these are just the bare basics. Our version of staples.
We are still tabulating the total amount of food we have rescued and collected - this list does not include bottled water, fruits, bread, buns, cooking oil, protein drinks, baby milk… and the list goes on.
And this was during the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic (and the first nationwide lockdown) when scientists were still feverishly working on vaccines, the supermarkets' aisles ran empty for days and then for weeks, and fear ran deep in everyone's hearts.
We would not be able to do so much without all our Earth Angels. We called and you came to our aid. In small drops and trickles and occasionally, by the lorryloads.
Thank you for helping us to reach out to so many hungry mouths during one of our country's greatest needs. #KitaJagaKita.